

Releases database: Cartridge details
Title: Music Maker
System: CreatiVision
Catalogue n.: GCU 813
Released in: Italy
Release date: 1983
Manufacturer: Hong Kong VTech
Distributor: Italy Zanussi Elettronica
Notes: Manual comes with "erratum" sheet.
Two versions of the "erratum" sheet were found: the earlier one has texts made with typewriter machine, and the later one has texts made with computer-printer.
Both sheets were scanned and are included in the manual PDF file.

Box(es): 90-0145-01 (1433 Kb)
Manual(s): 91-0152-01 (Italian, yellow paper) (295 Kb)
Overlay(s): overlays (left + right) (322 Kb)
Cart(s): cart (226 Kb)
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Filtered list System Distributor Cat. n. Year box man. over. cart
Music Maker CreatiVision Worldwide VTech No. 8016 1983 available available available available
Music Maker CreatiVision Germany Sanyo Video No. 8016 1983 available available available available
Music Maker Wizzard Australia Dick Smith Electronics Y-1635 1983 available available available available
Music Maker Funvision Australia Dick Smith Electronics Y-2635 1983 available available available available