Happy Christmas

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Happy Christmas

Post by Mobsie » Sat Dec 24, 2022 3:00 pm

I wish you all a Merry Christmas and happy days.


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Re: Happy Christmas

Post by cheshirenoir » Sun Dec 25, 2022 2:13 am

Same to you!

And to everyone here. We may have the worst BASIC, but we have the best community :-D

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Re: Happy Christmas

Post by Scouter3d » Sun Dec 25, 2022 8:52 am

Merry Christmas! To all of you around the globe!

Thank´s to all of you for all the great "Creativision-Stuff" you make possible...

Hardware, Games, Infos AND wonderful human contacts from Austria to Australia :0)

PS: There are worse BASIC´s around (The Basic Expansion for the G7000 or the Intellivision ECS jump into my mind... :0))
PSPS: Now that (thanks to @username@) the BASIC can talk, it looses a few places on the "Worst BASIC" list :0)

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Re: Happy Christmas

Post by MADrigal » Fri Dec 30, 2022 10:40 am

Happy Christmas to everyone - sorry I am late :)
And Happy New Year (for this one - I am early lol) :D
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