Could someone please test my little game on real hardware?

Talk about programming of homebrew games only.
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Fabrizio Caruso
Posts: 41
Joined: Mon Feb 05, 2018 9:23 am

Could someone please test my little game on real hardware?

Post by Fabrizio Caruso » Mon Oct 14, 2019 8:51 am

Hi everyone!

I am developing Cross Chase for the Creativision with CC65.
The game has no sound, yet, but when run under Mame it produces a horrible buzzing sound.

Could someone test it for me and let me know if this issue is real or just a Mame artifact?

Which other emulator could I use to test my game?
My game is in 16k format (the two 8k banks are swapped in the file as expected by Mame)

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