Space bar in Manager/2001 keyboard
Space bar in Manager/2001 keyboard
I’ve one question regarding the Manager/2001 space bar. Mine rocks like a see-saw when press the space bar from one end or the other. Should there be a stabilizing rod under the space bar or is it just missing in mine?
Re: Space bar in Manager/2001 keyboard
Hi, the space bar on my manager works without wobble...
Cheers, TOM:0)
Cheers, TOM:0) Find me here...
Re: Space bar in Manager/2001 keyboard
Hi, the space bar on my manager works without wobble... and yes, there is a stabilizyng rod
Cheers, TOM:0)
Cheers, TOM:0) Find me here...
Re: Space bar in Manager/2001 keyboard
Thanks for the response! I gather the stabilizing rod must be missing in mine.
Does the space bar come off easily? What is the thickness of the rod?
Does the space bar come off easily? What is the thickness of the rod?
Re: Space bar in Manager/2001 keyboard
I pulled out the space bar and the stabilizing rod is indeed missing.

Re: Space bar in Manager/2001 keyboard
I bent a temporary rod out of wire. Thanks for providing the measures, Toohex!

It’s not perfect as the wire isn’t stiff enough but definitely more stable and will do until I can get a proper piece of rod.

It’s not perfect as the wire isn’t stiff enough but definitely more stable and will do until I can get a proper piece of rod.

Re: Space bar in Manager/2001 keyboard

Final version, bent out of 1.4 mm rod.
This one makes the space bar really stable and possible to press from anywhere.