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Site news (year 2022)

Posted: Mon May 09, 2022 9:27 am
by MADrigal
First post this year. And there are so many good reasons to be extremely excited at this update!

A new piece of hardware has just been released for our beloved CreatiVision, as a result of months of hard work by the tireless Thomas Gutmeier and Kym Greenshields. And this could well be *the* ultimate piece of hardware you will ever want to buy for your favourite console.

The CreatiVision MegaSDCart lets you enjoy all known games, utilities and demos saved on an SD card. Additionally, the included firmware contains easy-to-use routines such as audio player, compressor, extended BASIC and hex editor. If you are a developer, you will make good use of the the included 32 KB RAM expansion. And if you like playing around with the BASIC interpreter, you will be able to save to/load from the SD card!

The core of the cartridge is an Arduino board and a specially designed BIOS that make this all possible. And the complete package comes encased in a black or orange box, and has a free SD card packed with all known software.

If you want to see it in action, watch the teaser video on Youtube.

And of course, if you wish to order your copy, use the online form at the MegaSDCart page that I have created to support this project. The price is 95 euro plus shipping.

Note this is *not* a CreatiVEmu Team project and the money raised goes directly to the authors of this project.