Greetings from a Canadian / Australian living 20+ years now in Oz. With all the years under my belt I still feel like a Noob when it comes to forums however thrilled to be a part of this network. I'm captivated by (and oddly have nostalgia for) the Creativision despite not growing up with the machine. Currently trying to complete my Dick Smith Wizzard branded games, cassette tapes, peripherals etc set. Near future fixes include trying the tips by Thomas G (8bit-homecomputermuseum) and see how many of the 6 faulty spare controllers I can save.
For display purposes, best overall outer shell console clean/shine has been attained using Meguiar's Carnauba Wax (using microfiber cloths) which was recommended to me many years ago. Use it on all my systems...and no i'm not affiliated with them
Thanks again for having me onboard Luca and team CVE