I'm Alberto and I live in Rome, Italy and I'm very happy to begin to belong to this CreatiVision community.
I'm a lover of 8 bit retrocomputing, retrogaming, retroconsole and so on.
I've a Zanussi CreatiVision and would like to have fun both with the game side both with the computer feature side.
I also belong to the 8 Bit Inside association that collect other retrocomputing, retrogaming, retromusic lovers like me here in the center of Italy: we have fun to preserve, restore and use computers, consoles, software, games and peripherals of the amazing 8 bit age

We go to retrogaming and comics events and vintage computer festivals (and we also organize them) and also to schools to disseminate knowledge and experience of 8 bit age to the new generations and to the nostalgic old boys like us

I'm very pleased to join you!