Mercoledì 22 Dicembre 2004

VisualBoy Advance 1.80 beta
MADrigal - ore 12:08  :: commenti (0) ::

Ed anche il VBA ci delizia in questo freddo Natale!
I cambiamenti per questa versione 1.80 sono stati cosi' tanti che... qualcosa non e' andato a buon fine, e sono stati causati dei bug sul codice pre-esistente. Per questa ragione, non si tratta di una versione definitiva (che seguira' a breve).
Ecco la lista delle novita':

Core changes:
added almost all AR V3 cheat codes (PokemonHacker)
added prefetch emulation
added full CBA support (verified for every CBA code type)
added emulation for DMA interaction with reading from invalid address
fixed CPU init for 256Mbit roms
fixed HuffUnComp bug regarding tree size (SF #984608)
fixed RTC support for day of the week (fixed at Sunday before)
fixed loading of ELF multiboot files (thanks J.W.)
fixed bug on CBA code type 5
fixed OBJWIN rendering bug when sprite wraps around (SF #1065447)
fixed battery saving bug when save type equals to Flash or Sram
fixed a compilation warning
fixed BIOS ArcTan and ArcTan2 emulation (several bugs)
fixed some instruction having incorrect cycles (caused SDL debugger to skip several instructions)
fixed lq2x filter (was using hq2x code)
fixed some bugs with IntrWait emulation
fixed some timer bugs
fixed memory timing when loading a save state (was using the timings before loading the state)
fixed bug writing to IO register past 0x4000400 (no mirroring)
initialize sram and flash memory to 0xff instead of 0x00
clean flash/sram on load/reload
ignore 8-bit writes to OBJ and OAM memory
major AR V1/2/3 support by PokemonHacker
simplified GBA emulation loop (easier to understand and maintain)

added dialog to edit game overrides
added GPL link to Help menu
fixed GB Disassemble crash when going to another address
fixed a minor repaint bug when focus changed
fixed problem displaying rom names that use & character
fixed palette save name bug
moved vsync code to where it should be
moved common palette initialization and cleaned up rendering code to use it

SDL versions:
SDL debugger improvements adapted from VBA-H:
break on change
conditional breakpoints (ARM and THUMB)
dump load and save (memory)
edit register (exception of R15)
disassemble to file
save and load state from debugger

fixed some compilation issues (libpng, gtkmm)

Per il download vi rimando al sito ufficiale.




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