MADrigal's simulators

» 25th December, 2009

I'm still updating and making simulators of VTech game more and more accurate. Today's update is:

- Engine Room (VTech, Explorer Time & Fun) S4/1.01 (Standard 4, more accuracy)
- Hot Line (VTech, Tooth-Sporty Time & Fun) S4/1.01 (Standard 4, more accuracy)

The new files and the updated MADrigal CD Collection ver. 53.1 are available on the usual downloads page.

This is the very last update this year, so Merry Christmas and happy new year to you all! Stay tuned as there are more updates coming next January.

» 18th December, 2009

I'm pretty sure you'll love today's new release. It's the same game I released last week, but the new one is the tabletop version, featuring full colour graphics and more "intense" sound effects.

Unfortunately I couldn't include the usual instructions manual browser in the simulator because I don't have the original paper copies - please contact me if you own it and you're willing to contribute.

The new game is:

- Chicky Woggy (VTech, Electronic Tini-Arcade) S4/1.00 (Standard 4, final)

Get the new game and the MADrigal CD Collection ver. 53 from the downloads page.

» 11th December, 2009

As announced last week, I'm now releasing a new simulator I started coding around 2 years ago and never found the time/will to complete - until today!

It's a wonderful Pacman-like game, a sort of pocket version of the classic videogame for the CreatiVision console, "Crazy Chicky":

- Chicky Woggy (VTech, Arcade Time & Fun) S4/1.00 (Standard 4, final)

The game archive and the new MADrigal CD Collection ver. 52 (featuring 52 games in a single archive) are available for download on the popular downloads page.

» 4th December, 2009

More updates to previously released handheld simulators. And again there are bug-fixes and new additions to three simulators of VTech handhelds:

- Condor (VTech, Time & Fun) S4/1.03 (Standard 4, more accuracy)
- Pancake (VTech, Time & Fun) S4/1.02 (Standard 4, more accuracy)
- Roller Coaster (VTech, Explorer Time & Fun) S4/1.02 (Standard 4, more accuracy)

I'm planning to release a brand new simulator of a Pacman-like game you will love, next week! Why not spending some time playing the three new releases in the meantime? :-)

They're available, as well as the new MADrigal CD Collection ver 51.2, on the usual downloads page.

» 27th November, 2009

No brand new simulators this week but major updates to two previously released ones. The job was even more demanding than designing new games from scratch! I almost rewrote the complete source codes, made more realistic graphics, re-scanned the instrutions manuals, etc.

The games are:

- Heathcliff: Caccia al Ladro (VTech, Mini Time & Fun) S4/1.04 (Standard 4, update to new standard)
- Hippo Teeth (VTech, Tooth-Sporty Time & Fun) S4/1.04 (Standard 4, more accuracy)

Get the new files and the updated MADrigal CD Collection ver. 51.1 from the usual downloads page. Stay tuned on the website next week because there are more games coming. Enjoy!

» 20th November, 2009

As announced last week, I'm now releasing the simulator for the only game from VTech's classic "Time & Fun" series, which hasn't been simulated yet:

- Safari (VTech, Time & Fun) S4/1.00 (Standard 4, final)

The game archive, the source code and the new MADrigal CD Collection ver. 51 are available on the usual downloads page.

» 13th November, 2009

Time for a new simulator, that's the 50th release - and the 7th game out of 8 of the famous "Time & Fun" series by VTech.

The game is:

- Escape (VTech, Time & Fun) S4/1.00 (Standard 4, final)

Grab the game archive, the source code and the newly updated MADrigal CD Collection ver. 50> from the usual downloads page.

I will release new files on a weekly basis, every next friday as long as I have spare time for hobby programming. The next scheduled game is Safari by VTech.

» 6th November, 2009

What a special day today! It's exactly 10 years since I released my very first simulator. :-)

No better way to celebrate it than releasing a new game! So, I'm now releasing the 49th release in ten years:

- Frog Boaster (Elektronika) S4/1.00 (Standard 4, final)

You can download the game and the newly updated MADrigal CD Collection ver. 49 from the usual downloads page.

» 25th September, 2009

I last updated this site over 1 year ago. Today's update is not as big as the "fans" expected, but it's yet another piece I'm adding to the list of handhelds simulators of VTech games.
I finally put my hands on the rare Condor instructions manual in English. I immediately scanned and I'm now embedding it into the simulator.

Updated game:

- Condor (VTech, Time & Fun) S4/1.02 (Standard 4, manual added)

Get the game, the source code and the new MADrigal CD Collection ver. 48.4> from the usual downloads page. Enjoy!

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