MADrigal's simulators

» 4th September, 2023

I have always wanted to programme the simulator of one of the rarest electronic games of all, a true holy grail: Vtech's Asterix: Hunt for the Boars from the Sporty Time & Fun series, in this case released exclusively in France in 1984.

My long time friend Davide De Angelis recently purchased it and was so generous to send me photos, videos and scans of the game. It appears that the game uses the same CPU as another game of the same series, Tennis Menace which I have simulated long ago. Basically they are the same game with just different graphics. This makes the simulation process very easy: same source code and just a different "skin". Just a few days to prepare the graphics and there we go: the simulator is ready!

The game has really tiny graphics - which is a pity because the characters are drawn by the very author of the popular comic and are really gorgeous. To preserve the quality of the graphics, I have incorporated a new functionality in this simulator, that lets you choose between playing at normal or high (triple) resolution.

Here is how the game looks like:


This is the list of files released with this update:

- Asterix: Hunt for the Boars (Ludotronic) S5/5.00 (Standard 5, Multi-skin Systen, final) - for Windows
- Asterix: Hunt for the Boars (Ludotronic) S5/5.00 (source code) - for Delphi 7
- MADrigal CD Collection ver. 63.0 - for Windows
- ClrMamePro datfile ver 20230904 [63.0]

Get all files from the usual downloads page and have fun! Big thanks to Davide De Angelis for making this possible!

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