

Articles from the 80's: Articles

Here's a selection of articles originally published on a variety of videogame and computer magazines in the 80's.
Click on titles to access full information and get the actual image files.


Title Magazine Issue Date
Andromeda Germany Computronic 8/84 08/1984
Aquarius II ja Salora Manager: Uusi yritys Finland Tekniikan Maailma 18/84 11/1984
Astro Pinball Italy Pergioco Y. 4/N. 10 10/1983
Astro Pinball Italy Videogiochi 6 06/1983
Basi di lancio del divertimento Italy Computer Games 1 04/1984
Auto Chase Italy Videogiochi 4 04/1983
Branschfil: CreatiVision Sweden Min Hemdator 4/83 11/1983
Cave Man Germany Computronic 10/84 10/1984
Clipper Flipper Germany Homecomputer 1/85 01/1985
Crazy Cake Germany Computronic 9/84 09/1984
Crazy Chicky Italy Videogiochi 7 07/1983
Creativision (catalogue, mini-reviews, previews) Italy Videogiochi Annuario'84 12/1983
Creativision: die Spielmaschine Germany Tele Match 5/83 08/1983
CreatiVision: neues Super-Spielesystem und mehr Germany Tele Match 4/83 06/1983
Creativision is one up on rival computers United Kingdom Your Computer (UK) 3 03/1983
Dall'era moderna a quella della pietra Italy Videogiochi 11 01/1984
Datavision: jouez et programmez France Tilt 6 07/1983
Der Hongkong-Knuller Germany Chip 1/83 01/1983
Dick Smith Wizzard Australia Your Computer (AU) 8/83 08/1983
Die Invasion Germany Chip 3/83 03/1983
Die richtige Wahl Germany Mein Home Computer 12/84 12/1984
Gewinnen Sie den Home-Computer Creativision Germany Chip 7/83 07/1983
Hi-tech package for '83 United Kingdom Toy Trader Wheatland 01/1983 01/1983
Hong Kong Court action hits Pac-Man imitators U.S.A. Billboard Vol. 94/No. 39 10/1982
Il cercagiochi Italy Computer Games 2 05/1984
Il Creativision si espande Italy Electronic Games 2/84 02/1984
In Focus U.S.A. InfoWorld Vol. 5/No. 7 03/1983
I Videogiochi Italy Video Annuario'84 09/1984
Journal - Nouveau! France Tilt 5 05/1983
Kultainen keskitie? Finland Tekniikan Maailma 3/85 02/1985
La creativita' scende in campo Italy Videogiochi 4 04/1983
Laser 2001 - Ein neuer Stern am Computer-himmel, oder... Germany Computronic 10/84 10/1984
Le macchine per giocare Italy Video Magazine 26 12/1983
Markkinakatsaus -85 Finland Mikrobitti 12/85 12/1985
Metamorphose Germany ELO 5/83 05/1983
Mikrot Rivissa Finland Printti 2/85 02/1985
Mouse Puzzle Italy Videogiochi 5 05/1983
Nel labirinto elettronico Italy Panorama 921 12/1983
New Home Computers at the Winter CES U.S.A. Compute! Vol. 5/No. 3 03/1983
News Products U.S.A. Electronic Fun w/C.G. Vol. 1/No. 5 03/1983
Novita' Creativision Italy Videogiochi 10 11/1983
Pelihimoisille Finland Tekniikan Maailma 20/84 12/1984
Pipeline Germany Homecomputer 2/85 02/1985
Police Jump Italy Videogiochi 7 07/1983
Salora Manager Luokkaa ylempana Finland MikroBitti 4/84 11/1984
Sept sets au sec France Tilt 5 05/1983
Spiel mit Basic Germany Funkschau 15/83 07/1983
Sport & Games Italy Electronic Games 7-8/84 07/1984
Stalking the East-Asian Microcomputer U.S.A. Byte Vol. 8/No. 5 05/1983
Steigendes Angebot aus Fernost Germany Chip 8/83 08/1983
Tekstinkasittely Finland MikroBitti 3/87 03/1987
Test: Tre nya speldatoren Sweden Teknik for Alla 11/83 11/1983
The Wizard of 'Oz' Australia Bits And Bytes Ltd. 9/83 06/1983
Tietokone jouluahjaksi Finland MikroBitti 4/84 11/1984
Tukialus Finland MikroBitti 6-7/85 06/1985
Un flipper in salotto Italy Zerouno 22 11/1983
Video: la parabola tende al computer Italy Pergioco Y. 4/N. 9 09/1983
Videogiochi olimpici Italy Computer Games 3 06/1984
Videogiochi sotto l'albero Italy Electronic Games 1/84 01/1984
Vom Videospiel zum Heimcomputer Germany Happy Computer 5/84 05/1984
What's new U.S.A. Radio-Electronics Vol. 54/No. 2 02/1983
Wizzard Video Game + Personal Computer Australia Electronics Australia 10/82 10/1982
Yksikatinen Rosvo Finland MikroBitti 9/86 09/1986
Zanussi nei videogiochi Italy Videogiochi 3 03/1983